Christine Pham Christine Pham was an economics and math student at UC Davis between 2005 and 2009. During her time at UC Davis she served on the Picnic Day Board of Directors as Business Director in 2008 and as Chair in 2009. She was heavily involved in ASUCD, serving as the 2007-2008 Academic Affairs Commission Chair and ASUCD President Hlloway's Special Projects Coordinator. She also ran for the ASUCD Senate under the LEAD slate in the Winter 2007 ASUCD Election, served on the Academic Senate grade change committee, sat on the CalPIRG Davis Chapter Board, and coordinated their textbooks campaign. She graduated in June 2009 and is currently in business school.

2007-2008 Academic Affairs Commission Chairperson
Followed by: Marcus Tang
Preceded by: Pete Markevich

Endorsement-Like Statements

William Lewis thinks that she is totally awesome. MaxMikalonis knows she is totally awesome. Andrew Peake "Christine is seven types of amazing and will be an excellent senator!"

Christine has been endorsed by Rob Roy and Arlen Abraham.

2007-02-19 00:24:38   I think something should be said of her attempt to gain DCD endorsement without prior contribution to the club. —CarlosOverstreet

  • What should be said? She is a democrat who is very active on democrat issues. - JimSchwab